These are some of the most frequently asked questions about St. Francis Parish:
Where can I park?

Miraculously, St. Francis Church has two parking lots. One is diagonally across from the church at Third and Jefferson Streets. A second lot, which is available only on weekends, is located on Madison Street between Third and Fourth Streets, directly across from Biggie’s Clam Bar.

I’d like to attend Mass but it’s awkward when my baby gets fussy. What should I do?

St. Francis Parish has been blessed with a growing number of young families. We welcome fussy babies and fussy adults! Please keep in mind that there is a Cry Room at the back of the church just past the steps to the choir. The Cry Room has comfortable chairs, a bathroom, room to change a diaper or calm the baby, and a closed-circuit television so that you can continue to observe Mass.

Why should I register as a parishioner?

Anyone who attends Mass regularly is encouraged to register as a parishioner. It is very important that the parish report an accurate census to the Archdiocese of Newark. Also, should you be asked to serve as a Godparent for a Baptism or as a Confirmation sponsor, your parish registration will serve as an indication that you are a practicing Catholic, a requirement for these roles.

My fiance and I have just become engaged and we’d like to get married at St. Francis Church. What do we need to do?

Congratulations on your engagement! Couples are asked to contact Father Chris one year before their wedding to be certain that the date and time are available, and also to schedule the classes that are required in preparation for the sacrament of Matrimony.

Are there any classes for adults who are interested in becoming Catholic?

Yes. The parish’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) process provides classes for those who wish to become Catholic as well as for baptized Catholic adults who would like to prepare for the sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation/Penance and Holy Eucharist. Candidates typically will be in the process for a full year before receiving their sacraments. Classes meet year-round, and interested adults may join at any time. Classes meet weekly in the Parish Center on Sunday afternoons following the 12:15 p.m. Mass (monthly during the summer). For more information, call 201-659-1772.

Like many adults, my religious education stopped when I was quite young. Can you recommend any websites that might be helpful when I have questions?

It’s wonderful that you’re interested in learning more about your Catholic faith. Here are a few websites that may be helpful:

Also, all parishioners may be interested in these websites – the first is for the Archdiocese of Newark www.rcan.org and the second is for Hoboken Catholic Academy. www.hobokencatholic.org